
It is the student's responsibility to apply for a refund.  A student is eligible for a refund after classes have been officially dropped.  Classes must be dropped by the appropriate deadline for the semester in order to be eligible for a refund.  Stated deadlines are not adjusted due to late enrollment.  See schedule of classes for deadline dates.

A student is eligible for a refund and may submit a Request for Refund form if:

    • classes are dropped by the required deadline
    • the program change is the result of action taken by the college to cancel or reschedule a class
    • the student is dropped for failure to meet a pre or co-requisite(s).
    • the student qualifies for Financial Aid
    • the student is active or reserve U.S. Military personnel who withdrew due to military orders

To receive your refund you must fill out the Request for Refund form.

  • If your refund is MORE than $200.00, a check will be mailed in approximately 4-6 weeks after request is received. There is no need to come in person to the Bursars Office.
  • If your refund is LESS than $200.00, you may either come into the Bursars Office to receive your refund OR a check will be mailed in approximately 4-6 weeks after request is received.


Additional details:

  • Please make sure your mailing address is current.
  • Refunds of less than $10 will not be processed and must be requested in person from the Bursar's Office.
  • Auto refunds are not issued until all add and drop deadlines for a semester have passed.
  • There will be a $10.00 processing fee deducted from the refund.


Refund Deadlines

Pursuant to Section 58508 of Subchapter 6 of Chapter 9 or Division 6, Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.

Enrollment and Non-Resident Tuition Fees:

Refundable if dropped by the date published in the class schedule.

Health and Student Representation Fees:

Refundable if student completely withdraws by dates noted above.

Parking Fee:

Refundable if the student completely withdraws from school on dates noted above. (Permit, receipt, and proof of dropped classes must be returned to the Bursar's Office.)

Pursuant to Section 58508 of Subchapter 6 of Chapter 9 or Division 6, Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, a community college district shall not refund any enrollment fee or differential enrollment fee paid by a student for program changes made after the first two weeks of instruction for a primary term-length course, or after the 10 percent point of the length of the course for a short-term course, unless the program change is a result of action by the district to cancel or reschedule a class or to drop a student pursuant to Section 58106 (g) where the student fails to meet a prerequisite or fails to drop by the deadline.​​​​