Male Student smiling

Counseling Services


Cravens Student Service​s Center (CSSC), 2nd Floor

The Counseling Center is open to see students online, in person or by phone during the hours listed below. The drop-in list normally closes a half an hour before closing, however, due to the high volume of students, it may close earlier​​.

To reach the Counseling Center's front desk, please call 760.773.2521.​​​​


Counseling Center Hours:

Day Open Closed​
​Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
Friday   8:00 a.m. - Noon

Online Counseling

Online counseling is available to all students. Learn more about our online counseling services.

Students Transferring into COD

If you are transferring to COD from another college, you may need to meet with a counselor to verify prerequisites. This is required even if you have submitted official transcripts to Admissions & Records.

Transcripts/documents must include y​our name, the college’s name and must be legible. If you need specific prerequisite courses waived (other than pre-college math and English), please contact the Counseling Office at 760-773-2521.