Student Testimonials

The best way to learn about College of the Desert's Work Experience Education Program is to hear from students who have enrolled in the course! Check out the testimonials below to find out how our students made the most out of their learning potential as a member of the workforce. 


KESQ banner with 2022 COD Interns

KESQ Interns

"College of the Desert's Work Experience Education showcases various internship opportunities where students can get hand-on experience and understand what it's like to work in the field.  One of my first tasks was to write a script for a newscast to see how news-friendly my writing was.  The first script was heavily edited but eventually my writing improved to where I needed little to no edits.  Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the news room and would highly recommend looking for a connection within your major"
-Gianni Olivares

"In this internship you don't simply wait for people needing help to call you or just sit around making coffee. They expect you to get your hands dirty and create your own content.  You will learn how to improve your work, work with others, accept feedback, produce your own promo that airs on live television, and be surrounded by professional talented individuals that will show you the ropes of the industry.  While receiving real world experience, you are also earning college credit and being mentored by a Faculty Advisor through the Work Experience Program".
-Isaiah Mora

"This internship has helped me tremendously in learning hands-on experience at a news station.  I was able to understand how the industry works by trial and error and mentorship.  I did about twelve days of behind the scenes shooting of various locations and talent for the promo department.  After each day of shooting, my supervisor would give me tips on how to better my footage such as using the rule of thirds and tight shots.  He said that on my last day of shooting I had grown by leaps and bounds and made remarkable progress".

- Sara Snow

Rancho Mirage Rotary Club CIS Intern

"I have been interning at the Rancho Mirage Rotary Club during the spring semester of 2024 and earning academic credit through my enrollment in the Computer Information Systems Work Experience course. During this internship I have been working on three measurable learning objectives, such as: improving the user experience of the rotary website, launch the club's social media outlets, and increase user engagement by posting at least once a week by 25%, and become proficient in DacDB software through trainings. Additionally, I have been able to apply employability skills of adaptability, digital fluency, and collaboration. This internship has allowed me to be able to connect with local leaders of the community and learn how to plan and organize events in the non-profit sector".

- Tatum Mahoney, CIS Major

Meet Emmanuel Rodriguez-Leon

student working at desk

Emmanuel gained employment as a student worker at COD's Student Welcome Center, fielding calls and assisting other students as they navigate their way towards a successful college career. He was able to earn college credits through the college’s Work Experience Program and gained valuable and marketable skills.

Interested in discovering your wild side?

foresty workers

Through a partnership with our Natural Resources Program, Mt. San Jacinto State Park, students are encouraged to apply and work as paid Wilderness Park Aids while earning college units through the Work Experience Program. Currently the Park employs four paid rangers and two volunteer rangers, all of which are COD alumni. 

Barry working at a local dealership

Barry's persistence paid off!
After finding a volunteer position with a local dealership's service department, Barry enrolled in the Automotive Technology Work Experience Program.  Barry not only earned college credit through this experiential opportunity but also enhanced his employability skills, which ultimately led to being offered a paid position.  Congratulations, Barry!

student picture

"While interning at Old Town Artisan Studios, I realized my passion for teaching others about art.  I enjoy sharing my knowledge of art in ways I wish others had done for me.  This experience also opened up my range of mediums.  Before I only felt confident in my painting & drawing skills but now I have experience in mediums I would have never tried by myself." Megan's goal is to teach art as a college professor.

internship students

"I was offered the opportunity to intern at Old Town Artisan Studio during the summer session.  At the same time I had made the decision to major in fine arts.  During the internship, I got to work closely with the youth as well as the instuctors.  OTAS instructor, Frank, told me the following words, "Being around people who do art will make doing art professionally feel like a goal rather than a dream".  As the summer comes to an end and I have finshed my internship, I am eternally grateful for OTAS believing in me and opening a new door in my life.  I will be attending the University of Irvine to pursue my Bachelors in Fine Arts."

- Rubi Madonado

"I am proud to be an intern at Old Town Artisan Studiots.  Transitioning from an Aspiring Artist to an intern felt like a journey from learning about the art industry to immediaely putting that knowledge into practice.  It was an amazaing expereince because I got to test the skills I learned during the program while continuing to explore various aspects of the art world.  Another incredible part of this journey was gaining early work expereince within the industry".

-Levi Reyes