Assessment at College of the Desert will be:


We will routinely assess on an established cycle.


We will take care to choose appropriate assessment tools, follow the assessment process, and seek out input from colleagues.


Assessment results will be accurate and reflected on fairly without fear of consequence.


Assessment will not be done as a mere exercise in compliance but with the understanding that it can make a genuine impact on students, faculty, and resources.


We will work together to share the workload and results of our assessments. Working collaboratively creates a richer and more cohesive understanding of our students and programs.


The goal of assessment is to make the student experience better. Failing to assess well is ultimately a failure to serve our students.

Focused on Growth

Thoughtful assessment can improve our teaching, stewardship of resources, and understanding of our students if we let it.

Faculty Dri​ven

Faculty will be responsible for the assessment process and policies surrounding assessment.​​​​